Picture of Reeve Tham

Reeve Tham

A climbing enthusiast and passionate football fan, you'll often find him hanging out in a climbing gym or watching football matches with friends. He also enjoys a good cup of coffee, loves Japanese food and frozen yoghurt.
solar ai gogoprint singapore

Solar Energy: A Green Power Source

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes When sunlight and heat are used with a variety of technological developments, it produces radiant energy from the sun, and this is commonly known as solar energy. Today, 95% of power from

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solar ai at engie innovation festival 2021
Solar News & Trends

Solar AI at the ENGIE Innovation Festival 2021

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes The week-long ENGIE Innovation Festival 2021 took place virtually from 14 June to 18 June this year. Through the festival, ENGIE sought to bring together researchers, digital developers, business developers and other

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