Why Is Singapore Experiencing High Heat? Uncovering Weather Trends

Singaporeans walking in sunny Singapore
Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? You’re not alone. Many Singaporeans are still navigating the recent spike in temperatures. 

Remember to hydrate and stay out of the sun as much as possible. As we all look for ways to keep cool, let’s unpack the latest on Singapore’s weather, touching on climate change implications and what this might mean for our daily weather forecast.

Did the Temperature Increase in Singapore?

In short, yes, the temperature has increased. According to the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) website, Choa Chu Kang experienced a scorching 36.3°C on March 24, 2024. 

However, this number doesn’t do justice to how hot the weather has been recently. To give a comparison of how drastic the temperature increase has been, here’s a brief summary of the past annual average temperatures in past years.

singapore's weather compared to other countries temperature

Back in 2004, it was a cooler 27.9°C, creeping up to 28.4°C by 2016. This March’s peak temperature wasn’t just a spike; it was a significant leap beyond the average, highlighting a trend that’s hard to ignore. One of the main culprits for these soaring temperatures is none other than the infamous El Nino effect.

What is El Niño?

You might’ve heard the name El Niño being thrown around recently, but who is El Niño? Well, it’s actually a phenomenon that shows up unpredictably. Ranging from every couple of years to once a decade, and each occurrence is unique, throwing typical weather patterns off course. 

In Southeast Asia, El Niño often leads to hotter, drier conditions. This is due to an increased temperature in the sea surface, and lesser winds over the tropical Pacific Ocean.

El Nino Chart by Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS)
Source: Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS)

How Does El Niño Affect Singapore’s Weather?

El Niño causes the usual rainfall in Singapore to decrease, leading to drier conditions that can last for several months. The reduced cloud cover also allows more sunlight to reach the ground, resulting in higher temperatures. 

While El Niño plays a role, it’s not the sole culprit behind the increasing temperatures we’ve been facing. There are many other factors that cause climate change, and we’re going to explore the four primary contributors to it.

What Are the Main Causes of Climate Change and How Can We Combat It?

Generating Power from Fossil Fuels

smoke coming out of factory chimney

Whenever fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are burned to generate electricity, harmful emissions are released into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases act as a blanket around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat. 

What You Can Do

For many of us, completely eliminating the use of fossil fuels isn’t an option yet. But there’s a straightforward step we can all take: conserving electricity. Simply turning off lights and appliances when they’re not in use can make a difference. 

Another effective move is embracing solar energy. By using sunlight to power our homes and businesses, we can significantly cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, making a direct impact on our planet’s health.

Shown below is a short and digestible infographic comparing solar energy with traditional energy sources.

Comparison between Solar and Traditional Energy Sources
Comparison between Solar and Traditional Energy Sources

Cutting Down Forests

chopped down tress deforestation

Trees play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide, a key factor in our battle against climate change. Beyond carbon dioxide, trees also deal with the other greenhouse gases released by human activities. 

However, the alarming rate of deforestation accounts for about 10% of global warming, highlighting the urgent need to put a stop to deforestation.

What You Can Do

Engaging in tree-planting activities such as the Plant A Tree Programme by Garden City Fund

Planting trees not only enhances green coverage but also helps give back to the planet whatever humans have taken from it, contributing to a healthier planet and restoring our environment.


many vehicles in traffic jam

Transportation is a significant contributor to climate change, with vehicles emitting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. 

Cars, trucks, planes, and ships, are all largely responsible toward the global carbon footprint. As the world relies on burning fossil fuels (petrol) for transportation, we’re not only affecting the climate but also affecting air quality. Who doesn’t want to breathe in fresh air?

What You Can Do

Opting for public transportation like buses or trains can significantly decrease the number of vehicles on the road. It’s simple — lesser cars, lesser emissions.

Still needing to drive? Making the switch to electric vehicles (EVs) could be a significant step toward minimizing your environmental impact.

How to Protect Yourself Against the Hot Weather in Singapore

Sure, sunburns might seem like a minor inconvenience we all face occasionally, but prolonged ultraviolet (UV) exposure significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. 

With that said, learning how to protect yourself against the intense rays of the sun is crucial. Here are 3 protective actions to take:

  1. Applying sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 50 or above is highly recommended for optimal protection.
  2. Carrying an umbrella provides a personal shade, significantly reducing direct exposure to harmful rays.
  3. Lastly, ensuring you’re well-hydrated is important as it helps your body regulate temperature and stay cool despite the heat.

These simple yet effective measures are foundational in protecting ourselves from the sun’s potential harm. 

Additionally, understanding and utilizing the UV Index becomes important in these hot and sunny days. But what exactly is the UV Index, and how can it aid in our daily sun protection practices? Let’s dive right into it.

What is The UV INDEX?

The UV Index is a tool that ranks the sun’s UV radiation on a scale from 1 to over 11. It’s a handy way to understand the intensity of UV rays we’re exposed to at a given time, urging us to take protective measures.

When Should I Use The UV INDEX?

If you’re planning a day in the sun, checking the UV index is a smart move, given the health risks associated with strong UV radiation. 

Picture this: It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and you’re thinking of hitting the beach. A quick look at the UV index reveals a deep purple line, signaling extreme UV levels. In such cases, slathering on sunscreen and staying under an umbrella as much as you can, are essential steps.

UV Index for Sat 30 March 2024 Singapore
On March 30, 2024, the UV index in Singapore reached extremely high levels

What Thrives In This Heat?

While many of us are taking shelter from the heatwave, there are some who not only enjoy it, but also thrive in these high temperatures. If you’re wondering who I’m talking about, it’s Solar Panels!

These friends of the environment absolutely thrive in such conditions, harnessing the abundant sunlight to their advantage. In turn, powering homes and businesses.


man on solar roof installing solar panels

The ongoing heatwave isn’t just about rising temperatures; it’s also enhancing the efficiency of solar panels, making them more productive than ever.

This surge in performance is a clear signal that now might be the perfect time to consider transitioning to solar energy, especially with rays shining even brighter than before.


This article discusses the rising temperatures in Singapore that disrupt not only our comfort, but highlights the urgent need for sustainable actions and green energy alternatives. Additionally, the temperature surge in Singapore is a devastating reminder of climate change’s harsh realities. 

It is important to start adopting eco-friendly habits such as switching off the lights when it’s not being used, and embracing solar energy. In doing so, we can forge a sustainable path forward, ensuring a healthier planet for the future.

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