Solar AI Wins the ENGIE Innovation Trophies 2021

ENGIE Innovation Trophies 2021 win
Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minute

For more than 30 years, ENGIE’s Innovation Trophies have been honouring the innovations of employees and partners all over the world. The Innovation Trophies help identify and accelerate the roll out of innovative technologies, practices and initiatives across ENGIE Group globally.

We’re excited to announce today that Solar AI Technologies has clinched the “Coup de Coeur du Jury” or Juror’s Favourite in the Innovation Trophies, competing against 560 innovation applications from 35 countries across ENGIE Group and its partners. The award is a strong recognition of Solar AI’s contributions to ENGIE Group’s strategy to leverage data analytics and software to drive solar adoption in the region, both reducing costs with digitisation and improving the Group’s sales performance.

ENGIE Innovation Trophies 2021 submissions
ENGIE Innovation Trophies 2021

For the 2021 edition, the Innovation Trophies received 560 applications from 35 countries across the Group’s employees and partners, despite the very particular context of the COVID crisis in 2020. 560 applications were shortlisted by Innovation correspondents and experts from everywhere in ENGIE Group in a virtual 2-days seminar to select 51 finalist projects. This culminated in a 2-weeks long finals pitch to a Grand Jury, chaired by Claire Waysand and included members of the Executive committee and experts both within ENGIE and externally, between May 26 and June 4.

Watch the awards ceremony that took place on 15 June 2021 here:

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